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WRLC Storage Reshelving Procedures for BOOKS

WRLC Storage Reshelving Procedures for BOOKS

  • Aim scanner and press the trigger to scan each barcode
        • Scan the tray location barcode on the tray then the item barcode on the book.

        • If more than one book need to go in the same tray, the tray location barcode will need to be scanned again.

  • Plug the Opticon Scanner to the computer

  • Click on OPN Companion Application

  • Click on “get barcodes”

  • A txt file titled “Barcodes” will automatically appear on desktop listing the barcodes that were just scanned

  • Click on “delete barcodes” then “yes” to proceed  *THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

  • Click on “close” then close the window

  • Open the “Barcodes” file and remove extra space at the end (be sure the cursor is at the end of the last barcode)

  • Save the file as text to:

S:\Storage Refiles\Alma\Books\Row x & x

File name is the date that list was created

Ex. notepad_7_12_16

  • Delete the “Barcodes” file  *THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

  • Open the Word file of the items that were just reshelved

  • Convert the list of items into one column if necessary

  • Select all item barcode and remove the numbering then copy

  • Go to Alma Analytics, Access Analytics

  • Create, Analysis, Physical Items

  • Open Physical Item Details:


-Internal Note 1

-Internal Note 2

-Internal Note 3

-Physical Item Id

-Lifecycle (very important!)

  • Click on the list after “Barcode” and select Filter

  • Click on the magnifying glass icon then the pencil icon

  • Paste the item barcodes in the box then click on “OK”, “OK”, “OK”

  • Click on the tab titled, “Results”

  • Go to the Lifecycle column and click on the up arrow (sort ascending)

  • Go to the Internal Note 3 column and look for any box that is blank or has a different status in it.  If there is any, copy the item barcode and paste it into Alma.  Then add “SCF Hold Shelf” to Internal Note 3.

  • Make sure Internal Note 2 does not have any old transit status.  If it does, give the book to Tammy.
  • Copy Item IDs for ONLY the active items.  Do not copy Item IDs for deleted items.

  • Open Notepad and type “Item ID” at the top of the list (no quotes) then paste

  • Save the file as text to: 

S:\Storage Refiles\Alma\Books\Upload

    File name is the date that items will be uploaded

Ex. upload_row_25&26_11_28_18

  • Click on the file then click on rename to copy the file name

  • Go to SCF IZ in Alma

-Admin, Manage Sets, Add Set, Itemized, paste file name, Set content type: Physical items, select file, save

-Admin, Run a Job, in the description box, type “physical” then select “Change physical items”, next, paste the file name in the name box and select the file, next

  • Double check the total count and write down the number you saw in Alma after creating a set

  • Go to Internal note 3 and add a check to the box.  The box should be clear since the status needs to be cleared off, next

  • Click on “Submit”

  • Go to the tab titled, “History” after the job is done.  Check the status of the job to make sure that all of the items were updated by clicking on the box on the right side and select “Report”

This issue will happen once in a while: not all of the items will show up after creating a set.  You can locate the "missing" item by doing the following steps:

1. Alma > Admin > Manage Sets > Find the set you just created > Content > Export > in Excel, click on the column with item barcodes then click on "Sort & Filter (Sort A to Z)" then select "Expand the selection" to put item barcodes in order

2. Word > open the file of the rows of books you just reshelved

  • Convert to one column if needed to for easy copying & pasting
  • Highlight barcodes
  • Remove numbering
  • Copy barcodes

3. In Excel, paste barcodes into the blank column prior to the column with item barcodes that were exported from Alma.  Click on "Sort & Filter (Sort A to Z)" then select "Continue with the current the selection".  Compare both columns by going through each line until you find the mismatched barcodes.

Various reasons why item barcodes do not show up:

  • WRLC OUP X at end (remove X and clear the SCF Hold Shelf message from IN 3 after confirming that the item has been reshelved)
  • duplicate barcodes on the list (Word)
  • item record not in SCF IZ anymore (will need to go back to the tray and pull the item then give it to Tammy)
  • Himmelfarb volumes...item barcode has been changed (will need to go back to the tray and pull the item then give it to Tammy)