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WRLC Storage Reshelving Procedures for ARCHIVAL MATERIALS


  • Aim scanner and press the trigger to scan each barcode

    • Scan the shelf location barcode on the shelf then the item barcode on the box.

    • If more than one box need to go on the same shelf, the shelf location barcode will need to be scanned again.

  • Plug the Opticon Scanner to the computer

  • Click on OPN Companion Application

  • Click on “get barcodes”

  • A txt file titled “Barcodes” will automatically appear on desktop listing the barcodes that were just scanned

  • Click on “delete barcodes” then “yes” to proceed  *THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

  • Click on “close” then close the window

  • Open the “Barcodes” file and remove extra space at the end (be sure the cursor is at the end of the last barcode)

  • Save the file as text to:

S:\Storage Refiles\Alma\Boxes and Clamshells

File name is the date that list was created along with which department and your name

Example: 3_25_22_GTSC_Clark

  • Delete the “Barcodes” file  *THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!