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Pre-Reshelving Procedures


  • Remove books from shelf (2 rows, ex. row 1 & 2) and place on the library cart. 
  • Put books in order
  • Open the list template file (Word) found in:

S:\Storage Refiles\Alma\Books\List template Tammy

  • Fill out the info for:



list created by

  • Add the numbering feature to the list under “Row”
  • Scan item barcode from each book using the handheld barcode scanner that scans barcodes with X.
  • Save as to:

S:\Storage Refiles\Alma\Books\Row x & x

File name: list_today’s date (ex. list_7_12_16)

  • Manually count items on cart and make sure the number matches to the list
  • Print the list
  • Use one scanner to scan books from one set of rows