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Check in archival materials (To be performed by the Shared Collections Supervisor only)

SCF SCF Procedures

For returning Georgetown Special Collections archival materials, we will need to check them in so...

Updated 1 month ago by Tammy Hennig

Issues with checking in return books (to be performed by the Shared Collections Supervisor only)

SCF SCF Procedures

When SCF staff checks in books, sometimes they will encounter items that will show patron's name ...

Updated 1 month ago by Tammy Hennig

The NERS Process

Support Assistance NERS Alma and Primo Enhancement Requests

The NERS Process: The User Group conducts round one voting for enhancement requests. The WRLC'...

Updated 1 month ago by Angelique Carson

Best practices for local extensions (local fields) in NZ-linked records

Resources - Metadata Resources - Metadata Workflows and How-...

Local extensions are local fields that can be added to NZ-linked bibliographic records. These fie...

Updated 1 month ago by Jackie Saavedra

NERS 2024 Suggested Enhancements and Vote Results

Support Assistance NERS Alma and Primo Enhancement Requests

2024 Final Vote Results Primo Enhancements - 2024 Final Vote Results (docx - 152.5 K...

Updated 1 month ago by Angelique Carson

Ex Libris Idea Exchange FAQ

Support Assistance ExLibris Idea Exchange

Ex Libris Idea Exchange FAQs Q: Can anyone submit an idea? A: Yes! The Ex Libris Idea Exchang...

Updated 1 month ago by Angelique Carson

Ex Libris Idea Exchange Guidelines

Support Assistance ExLibris Idea Exchange

Ex Libris Idea Exchange Guidelines Keep these tips in mind when submitting an idea: ●     Start...

Updated 1 month ago by Angelique Carson

Reporting an Issue

Support Assistance ExLibris Support Portal (Sales Force)

If you cannot find the answer to your Alma or Primo question/issue, in the provided ExLibris Know...

Updated 1 month ago by Aaron Krebeck

Reporting an Issue

Support Assistance WRLC Service Desk (Request Tracker)

To contact the WRLC regarding an issue with one of our services, please use the WRLC Service Desk...

Updated 1 month ago by Aaron Krebeck

New books not in SCF IZ (To be performed by the Shared Collections Supervisor only)

SCF SCF Procedures

We have a project where we check for items that are missing a tray location from item call number...

Updated 1 month ago by Tammy Hennig

Clear SCF Floor from Internal Note 3 for return archival materials (To be performed by the Shared Collections Supervisor only)

SCF SCF Procedures

After the archival materials have been reshelved, the Internal Note 3 field will need to be clear...

Updated 2 months ago by Tammy Hennig

Athenizing Libguides: Workflow for Methodically “Athenizing” your Libguide links

George Washington University Reference

Workflow for methodically “Athenizing” your libguide links:   Log in to Libguides Go ...

Updated 2 months ago by Angelique Carson

WRLC Forklift Daily Checklist

SCF SCF Procedures

Forms are located at WRLC COMMON - Documents\SCF Forms and Route Slips\Forklift Checklists

Updated 2 months ago by Tammy Hennig

WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Record Policies

Resources - Metadata Resources - Metadata Policies

Please direct any questions or comments about these policies to the WRLC Metadata Committee:  met...

Updated 2 months ago by Jackie Saavedra

Bibliographic Record Deletion - Related Records

Resources - Metadata Resources - Metadata Configuration

Alma allows the ability to prevent the deletion of related records in the Network Zone. In the Bi...

Updated 3 months ago by Jackie Saavedra

Network Zone Configuration


Below are the current configuration settings in the WRL Network Zone that are either pushed down ...

Updated 3 months ago by Jackie Saavedra

Standard Opening Hours - impact on yours and partner's patron's due dates

AFN/CLS related tasks Standard Opening Hours Maintenance

A library's Standard Opening Hours along with other events in their calendar can affect item due ...

Updated 3 months ago by Kathy Kilduff

Procedure: Update the Standard Opening Hours

AFN/CLS related tasks Standard Opening Hours Maintenance

The following procedure assumes that you have the role of Fulfillment Administrator (or General A...

Updated 3 months ago by Kathy Kilduff

WRLC Storage Reshelving Procedures for BOOKS

SCF SCF Procedures

WRLC Storage Reshelving Procedures for BOOKS 1. Scanning Procedures Aim scanner and press the...

Updated 3 months ago by Tammy Hennig

Coordinated Collections Committee (CCC) Shared Cost Formula Philosophy

Resources - Electronic

CCC Shared Cost Formula Philosophy Trying to be fair to both small and large institutions alike,...

Updated 3 months ago by Angelique Carson