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Local Network Zone MARC Fields

There are several MARC fields specific to the Washington Research Library Consortium. They often (but not always) have subfields designating that they are local WRLC fields.

Field Indicators Value Additional Subfields Further Documentation Record Type
592 _ _ Old Voyager / Sierra bibliographic ID number from WRLC's pre-migration to Alma in 2018. The prefix designates the institution from which the record ID was derived. $$2 local $$5 CAO 01/17/23 Basecamp Post NZ records
650 / 651 _ 0 Replacement WRLC subject headings NONE ; Because these headings are categorized as local Library of Congress Subject Headings by Alma, they DO NOT have additional subfields

Local WRLC Subject Headings Wiki page

Replacement and Supplemental Heading Spreadsheet

NZ records
650 _ 7 Supplemental WRLC subject headings $$2 local $$5 CAO

Local WRLC Subject Headings Wiki page

Replacement and Supplemental Heading Spreadsheet

NZ records
690 _ 7 Replacement AND Supplemental WRLC subject headings. Because we cannot add local LCSH to CZ linked records, all local WRLC subject headings are added to CZ records as supplemental headings in this specific field. $$5 CAO $$9 local

Local WRLC Subject Headings Wiki page

Replacement and Supplemental Heading Spreadsheet

Authority Heading Workflow Wiki page

CZ records