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How to hide / change / add MARC fields for display in Primo (Primo VE Display Rules, and DEI - List of terms to exclude)

Editing Primo VE Display Fields

This workflow is for editing the display of specific MARC fields that are already configured in Primo to be displayed to patrons. For a full list of the MARC fields associated with each pre-configured display field, please see this Primo Knowledge Center page.

  1. Go to Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Manage display and local fields
  2. Choose + Add Field > Add Display Field
  3. Under Field to edit, choose the field you wish to edit from the dropdown menu.
    • To see which MARC fields are associated with which display field, please see this Primo Knowledge Center page.
    • If you do not see the specific field you are looking for, it could be because your IZ already has a localized display rule for this field. If that's the case, go back to the previous screen and Edit the correct display field. 
  4. Under MARC21 Normalization Rules, click on the ellipsis button, then choose Edit.
  5. From here, make the necessary changes to the display normalization rules, then click Save.
  6. To configure this local field to appear in Primo to patrons, see the section below, Adding a display of local field to a Primo VE View

Suggested MARC21 Primo norm rules for WRLC Institutions can be found on the following page: 

For more information on Normalization Rule Syntax, see the following Primo Knowledge Center page:  


Configuring a Primo VE Local Field

This workflow is for adding MARC fields for display that are NOT already part of one of the pre-configured Primo display fields. If the field you wish to add is not in the list found on this Primo Knowledge Center page, then you need to follow the steps below to configure the MARC field for Primo as a local field. Only 009, 09X, 490, 5XX, 69X, and 9XX fields are allowed to be added as local fields

  1. Go to Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Manage display and local fields
  2. Choose + Add Field > Add Local Field
  3. Under Field to edit, select the local field you wish to use (Alma allows an institution to configure up to 100 local fields) 
    • To see which MARC fields are associated with which display field, please see this Primo Knowledge Center page.
    • If you do not see the specific field you are looking for, it could be because your IZ already has a localized display rule for this field. If that's the case,  go back to the previous screen and Edit the correct display field. 
  4. Choose a Display label
  5. Add one or more MARC fields under MARC21 Fields
    • Only 009, 09X, 490, 5XX, 69X, and 9XX fields are allowed to be added as local fields
  6. Under MARC21 Normalization Rules, click on the ellipsis button, then choose Edit.
  7. From here, make the necessary changes to the display normalization rules, then click Save.
  8. To configure this local field to appear in Primo to patrons, see the section below, Adding a display of local field to a Primo VE View

Suggested MARC21 Primo norm rules for WRLC local NZ fields can be found on the following page: 

For more information on Normalization Rule Syntax, see the following Primo Knowledge Center page:  


Adding a display or local field to a Primo VE View

Once you have configured a display or local field, you can follow this workflow to add the field to a Primo VE View, specifically under the Full Display details of a resource.

  1. Go to Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views
  2. Find the view you would like to edit from the list. Click on the ellipsis button for that view, then choose Edit.
  3. Choose the Full Record Services tab
  4. Click on the ellipsis button for Record Details, then choose Configure.
  5. Here you will see a list of all display and local fields that are displayed to a patron in this Primo view; to add a new field, click + Add Field and choose the correct one from the drop down menu.
    • You can change the order of the fields by using the up and down arrow buttons
  6. Once you've added the field(s), the view will automatically be saved. Now the field(s) should appear to the patron in Primo VE under the Details section of the record view.


DEI - List of Terms to exclude from heading

  1. Go to Configuration > Discovery > Other > DEI - List of terms to exclude
  2. Enter list of terms you wish to exclude in the Content box, then press Save.

Filename : dei list of terms to exclude from subject heading. Content - nutrition.

Although much easier than editing display rules, it is not as precise simply because subjects containing only the word listed will not display, but subjects that contain the word as part of a phrase WILL continue to display. If you want to be thorough, you will have to list the problematic terms AND all possible variations and subfields.