Recently Updated Pages
Troubleshooting Proxy Issues
Now that WRLC no longer oversees proxy servers for our institutions, the main goal in answering a...
Reloading conf.json and testing configuration
CRscfapp Test URLs - Production
Find request_job_id
Use the IZ’s apikey (permissions: read/write Bibs, read Users) found in the IZ’s Developer Networ...
Location of conf.json
Production Application: /opt/tomcat/webapps/AlmaRemoteStorageApp/WEB-INF/classes ls -l drwxr-x...
Delivery locations with Codes
Partners with Library Names, Pull Slip Codes and Courier Slip Code Institution Name (IZ) ...
Physical item request that originated as a "MOVE TO TEMPORARY" request
Physical item request that originated as an ILLiad physical item request
ILLIad Physical Item Requests through Alma The SCF will start to transition to filling ILLiad...
Physical item request that originated as "RESOURCE SHARING PHYSICAL SHIPMENT" requests
Resource Sharing Physical Shipment Item Requests through Alma The SCF has started to fill a new ...
On Hold Shelf Letter
The On Hold Shelf Letter is managed in the Network Zone so that specific library instructions can...
Pull Slip (Ful Resource Request Slip Letter)
The Pull Slip is managed for our partners to provide consistency for the displayed location codes...
Remote Storage Location Configuration
Configuring a Physical Location as a Remote Storage Location This configuration enables request...
Does not exist in SCF
Barcode | Institution | Message--------------------+----------...
Welcome to the WRLC wiki for Alma, Primo, and related software configurations and workflows. Mat...
Bulk Due Date change for pseudo-patrons
Since there is no method to automatically renew items loaned to the scfapp pseudo-patrons, this m...
Update the Faculty Due Date
As with each IZ that participates in consortial lending needs to maintain the fixed due date on t...
Update Webhook profiles
In the non-SCF Institution Zones, the SCF Job Finish Webhook profile needs to be update with the ...
Update sftp server directory for PSB use
The Premium Sandbox uses the server to post files from the running of the "Send Req...
Update the Resource Sharing Partners for the PSB
The Resource Sharing partners that are template members will need to have their URL parameter upd...
Update Rota Template Members
After the refresh, the Rota Template has the full compliment of partners for Consortium Book Borr...
Handle Server
The WRLC handle server prefix is 1961. The prefix is renewed each year in January. The conta...