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Discovery - Primo VE
Georgetown University
Policies, Configurations, and Workflows specific to this university and its IZ. Note: this content may also be applicable to other IZs or may be similar enough to serve as templates for other IZs.
George Washington University
Policies, Configurations, and Workflows specific to this university and its IZ. Note: this content may also be applicable to other IZs or may be similar enough to serve as templates for other IZs.
General WRLC/SCF Policies
This section is for systemwide policies and configurations that aren't strictly within the Alma/Primo environment
Resources - Metadata
This section contains information on policies, workflows, how-to's, and configuration settings for metadata in the WRLC Alma environment.
Resources - Electronic
This section contains information on policies, workflows, how-to's, and configuration settings for electronic resources in the WRLC Alma environment. Information about shared WRLC electronic collections can also be found here.
This section contains information about the Alma and Primo sandboxes available to consortial staff,
This sections contains information on Alma Analytics.
This section is for policies and configurations related to User Admin or other systemwide policies and configurations that aren't strictly within the Alma/Primo environment like URL addressing for WRLC instances.
How material, both physical and digitized, is shared with patrons. Types of Fulfillment requests include: Booking Hold CLS/AFN Resource Sharing Move (both temporary and permanent) ILL (both physical and digitization)
Network Zone Configuration of the CLS/AFN
Staging: Network Zone configuration
This section contains information on both Network Zone and Institution Zone configuration settings in the WRLC Alma environment.
Support Assistance
This section is for: How to request assistance from the WRLC or ExLibris How you can submit an Alma or Primo enhancement idea (and vote) to the ExLibris Idea Exchange Information on how the WRLC's Alma Primo Advisory Committee (APAC) partners with fellow...
Marymount University
Shared Collections Facility (SCF) Institution Zone
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Information on how the Shared Collections Facility Institution Zone (a.k.a. the SCF IZ) is configured, how to accession items to the SCF in Alma, and how SCF items in an owning Institution Zone (IZ) are copied to, requested from, etc. the S...
Documents and Information for staff at WRLC Headquarters
NZ Analytics
Resources - Metadata Configuration
Resource Sharing
Resource Sharing
SCF Procedures
Resources - Metadata Policies
Resources - Metadata Workflows and How-To's
Resources -Electronic Policies
Resources - Electronic Workflows and How-To's
NZ Configuration
Configuration steps taken in the Network Zone. For reference, see "Configuring Fulfillment Information in the Network Zone" (
Common policies and task related to consortial lending and borrowing.
Information on Addons that enhance SCF processing of both physical and digitial requests.
Libraries and Location codes
Partners with Library Names, Pull Slip Codes and Courier Slip Code.
Peer to Peer Resource Sharing
Instructions and information on how to set up peer-to-peer resource sharing in Alma.
Resources - Electronic Configuration
Letters managed in the NZ for Physical Item Requests
There are two letters managed in the network zone for our partners.
Letters managed in the NZ for Physical Item Requests
There are two letters managed in the network zone for our partners.
Letters managed in the NZ for Physical Item Requests
There are two letters managed in the network zone for our partners.
wrlc user
Patron accounts with the "wrlc user" user group are patron accounts in an IZ that is not their home IZ. These are often referred to as Linked Accounts. Linked accounts are created when a patron makes a CLS/AFN request that can be filled by a partner.
Discovery - Primo VE Configuration
How to activate Community Zone Collections
In order for an Electronic Collection or an Electronic Portfolio to be visible and accessible to users, it must first be activated. When activating from the Community Zone (CZ), the Collection or Portfolio is activated and then becomes a part of the Institutio...
How to create an Alma import profile
There are several types of import profiles in Alma. Different import profiles may be appropriate for different types of materials. Creating a Repository Import Profile Repository import profiles are the most common import profile type you will create in...
How to set up automatic holdings for e-resources
Introduction Alma has a feature that allows e-resource providers to set a library’s ebook, ejournal, and database holdings in the Institution Zone (IZ) on behalf of that library and update them on a regular basis. This eliminates the need for manual activatio...
Placement of Electronic Resources in Alma
Introduction This policy establishes guidelines on where bibliographic records for electronic resources should be placed within the Ex Libris Alma architecture. This policy applies to all staff members of Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) institut...
URLs in Alma Bibliographic Records
Introduction This policy establishes guidelines on the inclusion of institution-specific uniform resource locators (URLs) in bibliographic records for electronic resources within the Ex Libris Alma architecture. This policy applies to all staff members of Was...
Formatting Copy-Specific Metadata
Adding Copy-Specific Metadata in Alma Copy-specific information can be included in the following fields. Some of these fields may need to be configured for display and/or search in some instances of Primo VE. Copy-specific metadata in holdings records: 541...
Alma/Primo Sandboxes
Alma/Primo Sandboxes WRLC has three premium Alma/Primo sandboxes, with data and configurations from the following IZs: American: - [ Primo ] District of Columbia: - ...
NZ Analytics Accounts
Accounts with the Design Analytics role in the Network Zone are coordinated by the Alma/Primo Advisory Committee. All accounts are individual accounts; no generic or group accounts for Alma Analytics in the NZ will be created for library staff. To request an ...
Making Changes to WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Records
Last revised: September 30, 2022 Please direct any questions or comments about this document to the WRLC Metadata Committee: When in doubt: ask. Any questions about editing or changing Network Zone (NZ) bib. records can be posted to t...
Getting Started
Power User Features
Walkthrough of Features
Principles for Working in WRLC’s Alma Network Zone
Last revised: March 29, 2019 Please direct any questions or comments about these principles to the WRLC Metadata Committee: Do no harm. Please see the WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Record Policies, the Making Changes to WRLC Netw...
WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Record Policies
Please direct any questions or comments about these policies to the WRLC Metadata Committee: BACKGROUND The WRLC Metadata Committee was tasked to provide policies regarding a shared catalog in Alma integrated library system. Below s...
Fields That can be Deleted in the WRLC Network Zone Without Consultation
Updated March 22, 2024 Please direct any questions or comments about this document to the WRLC Metadata Committee: When in doubt: ask. Any questions about deleting fields in Network Zone (NZ) bib. records can be posted to the message ...
Item Record Description Policies and Templates
Item record descriptions for print periodicals should follow the guidelines below. Every effort should be made to adhere to these guidelines for newly cataloged items. Legacy records should be corrected only as time and resources allow. For a full list of W...
Recommendations for Print Periodicals in the Washington Research Library Consortium
The following are recommendations for print periodicals written by the Serial Holdings Subgroup and approved by the Metadata Committee in fiscal year 2023. The purpose of these recommendations is to standardize serial holding and item records in the WRLC Alm...
Metadata in the WRLC Training Sessions 2022
Session 1 | What you need to know (WRLC Overview) Presented by Jackie Saavedra, WRLC, on October 18, 2022 Session 2 | Meet Alma (Introduction to the Alma ILS) Presented by Jen Froetschel, GW, on October 25, 2022 Session 3 | Using the Metadata Editor P...
Metadata Editor Warnings (MARC21 Bib Extensions)
When a record is opened in Alma’s Metadata Editor, Alma checks the record for a variety of characteristics such as missing information, invalid information, duplicate records, and so forth. If an issue is found, it is presented as a warning at the bottom of th...
Secondary Resource Types
In August of 2022, Ex Libris introduced a new feature for Primo VE - secondary resource types. This feature allows records to have at least two resource types. The main resource type will continue to appear in the record view in Primo. The secondary resource t...