How material, both physical and digitized, is shared with patrons.
Types of Fulfillment requests include:
Resource Sharing
Move (both temporary and permanent)
ILL (both physical and digitization)
Common policies and task related to consortial lending and borrowing.
Faculty Due Date Maintanance
Each IZ that participates in consortial lending needs to maintain the fixed due date on their cal...
Consortial Partners in CLS/AFN
Lending and Borrowing Partners These partners are configured in the ROTA for the "Consortium Boo...
Standard Opening Hours - impact on yours and partner's patron's due dates
A library's Standard Opening Hours along with other events in their calendar can affect item due ...
Procedure: Update the Standard Opening Hours
The following procedure assumes that you have the role of Fulfillment Administrator (or General A...
Peer to Peer Resource Sharing
Instructions and information on how to set up peer-to-peer resource sharing in Alma.
Information on Addons that enhance SCF processing of both physical and digitial requests.
Libraries and Location codes
Partners with Library Names, Pull Slip Codes and Courier Slip Code.
wrlc user
Patron accounts with the "wrlc user" user group are patron accounts in an IZ that is not their ho...