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209 total results found

WRLC Storage Journal Deduplication Procedure

SCF SCF Procedures

WRLC Storage Journal Deduplication Procedure 1. Rationale The WRLC Shared Copy Policy mandates that a single copy of any given periodical volume may be placed in the WRLC Storage facility.  The policy is intended to make use of warehouse space more efficient...

Routing Slips

SCF SCF Procedures

Routing slips are located at S:\SCF Route Slips When more slips are needed, you can print them then put them in the folders above the outgoing materials table.

Exporting Items from Alma

SCF SCF Procedures

There are two ways to export the shelf data: directly from the Alma display and from Analytics. 1) Alma display:   Select "Excel (current view) Wait for Excel to finish downloading the data then open the file. The columns that are needed are: Tit...

Filling a Title Level Request

SCF SCF Procedures

Once in a while we will receive an AFN slip with no barcode or tray location on it, we can attempt attaching the item to the request. Requested Item: Identified correct volume, barcode. Scan In to fill: Result of scanning in. Item is recognized as a...

WRLC Delivery Routes

SCF SCF Procedures

Barcodes: In Transit, SCF Hold Shelf, SCF Floor

SCF SCF Procedures

Barcode prefixes for each institution

General WRLC/SCF Policies

31194: American 35063: American University Washington College of Law 30530: Catholic 35127: Catholic Law 32884: Gallaudet 32777: George Mason 39020: Georgetown 30770: Georgetown Law 32882: George Washington 37010: George Washington University Himmelfa...

Clear loan status for processed items that were never scanned in

SCF SCF Procedures

When items from Voyager were migrated to SCF IZ in 2018 and items found eventually then added, this caused Alma to assign the loan status to the items even though items were already in the SCF. Also, after new items get processed in Alma and people who does t...

Updating volume & year info for Himmelfarb volumes in SCF IZ

SCF SCF Procedures

You will need to have both SCF and HI IZs open at the same time and you will be entering the data in SCF IZ. Himmefarb barcodes start with P. Look for items in SCF IZ that are missing the description.  You can see that the second item is missing the descr...

Coordinated Collections Committee (CCC) Shared Cost Formula Philosophy

Resources - Electronic

CCC Shared Cost Formula Philosophy Trying to be fair to both small and large institutions alike, our shared cost formula considers both potential users and actual usage.  Pay-to-Play (potential users) Every institution should pay something for the privilege...

Standard Opening Hours - impact on yours and partner's patron's due dates

AFN/CLS related tasks Standard Opening Hours Maintenance

A library's Standard Opening Hours along with other events in their calendar can affect item due dates and renewal dates.  It is good practice to review the Standard Opening Hours each semester when you may be adding specific events, exceptions or holidays. A...

Procedure: Update the Standard Opening Hours

AFN/CLS related tasks Standard Opening Hours Maintenance

The following procedure assumes that you have the role of Fulfillment Administrator (or General Administrator) and you have selected a valid Library from the top of the Configuration page. Go To:  Alma --> Configuration --> Fulfillment --> Library Management ...

Bibliographic Record Deletion - Related Records

Resources - Metadata Resources - Metadata Configuration

Alma allows the ability to prevent the deletion of related records in the Network Zone. In the Bibliographic Record Deletion - Related Records page of Alma Configuration (which can be found under Configuration > Resources > Collection Retention), you can speci...

WRLC Forklift Daily Checklist

SCF SCF Procedures

Forms are located at WRLC COMMON - Documents\SCF Forms and Route Slips\Forklift Checklists

Athenizing Libguides: Workflow for Methodically “Athenizing” your Libguide links

George Washington University Reference

Workflow for methodically “Athenizing” your libguide links:   Log in to Libguides Go to the asset list (Content -> Assets from the menu): Filter the assets: Type “proxy” into the URL field. Select your name in the “Owner” dro...

Check in archival materials (To be performed by the Shared Collections Supervisor only)

SCF SCF Procedures

For returning Georgetown Special Collections archival materials, we will need to check them in so the status could be cleared in both SCF and owning IZs.  And the "SCF Floor" message will be added to Internal Note 3 in SCF IZ.  Then after the materials have be...

Clear SCF Floor from Internal Note 3 for return archival materials (To be performed by the Shared Collections Supervisor only)

SCF SCF Procedures

After the archival materials have been reshelved, the Internal Note 3 field will need to be cleared. Go to C:\Users\yourlastname\WRLC\WRLC COMMON - Documents\1_Storage Refiles\Alma\Boxes and Clamshells Find the file of the person that did the reshelving of t...

Issues with checking in return books (to be performed by the Shared Collections Supervisor only)

SCF SCF Procedures

When SCF staff checks in books, sometimes they will encounter items that will show patron's name or something else after scanning the item barcode. Go to the owning IZ to check on the item record.  All items must have the status of "Item in place" and process...

New books not in SCF IZ (To be performed by the Shared Collections Supervisor only)

SCF SCF Procedures

We have a project where we check for items that are missing a tray location from item call number and internal note 1.  After making sure that they are not here, the bib records will get deleted. Sometimes we get new books and they did have a bib record in SC...

Reporting an Issue

Support Assistance ExLibris Support Portal (Sales Force)

If you cannot find the answer to your Alma or Primo question/issue, in the provided ExLibris Knowledge Center, the ExLibris Support Portal is available. Learn more about how to submit a case in the Support Portal User Guide: If you have an account, please l...