Patron IDs for Patron Services
When needing to check out the materials manually, select the appropriate patron ID:
(I will reach out to Jackie and Angelique to see if a couple of IDs could be edited to make it more sense)
American: Deliver To: AU
American ILL: Deliver To: Lending, AU
American Law: Deliver To: AULAW
American Archives: Deliver To: AU
Catholic: Deliver To: CU
Catholic ILL: Deliver To: ILL, CUA
Catholic Law: Deliver To: CU
Catholic Archives: Deliver To: CU
Catholic Lima: Deliver To: CU (for Lima)
Gallaudet: Deliver To: GA
Gallaudet ILL: Deliver To: GA, ILL
Gallaudet Archives: Deliver To: GA
George Mason: Deliver To: GM
George Mason ILL: Deliver To: GM
George Mason Square: Deliver To: GMA
George Mason Prince Williams: Deliver To: GMP
George Mason Special Collections: Deliver To: GM
George Washington: Deliver To: GW
George Washington ILL: Deliver To: Gelman ILL Staff
George Washington Law: Deliver To: JB
George Washington Off Campus: Deliver To: GWOC
George Washington Special Collections: Deliver To: GW-SC
George Washington Global Resources Center: Deliver To: GW
Mount Vernon: Deliver To: GWE
Himmelfarb: Deliver To: HI
National Security Archives: Deliver To GW
Georgetown: Deliver To: GT (PICK LAU, NOT QATAR)
Georgetown Law: Deliver To: GTL
Georgetown ILL: Deliver To: ILL, GTU
Georgetown Bioethics: Deliver To: GT-Bioethics
Georgetown McCourt: Deliver To: GT-McCourt
Georgetown School of Continuing Studies: Deliver To: GT-SCS
Georgetown Office Delivery: Deliver To: GT-OD
Georgetown Special Collections: Deliver To GT-Booth
Howard: Deliver To: HU
Howard Health Sciences:
Howard Divinity & Law: Deliver To: HUWC
Marymount: Deliver To: MU
Marymount Ballston: Deliver To: MUB
Marymount Archives: Deliver To: MU
Trinity: Deliver To: TR
University of the District of Columbia: Deliver To: DC
University of the District of Columbia Law: Deliver To: DCLaw
University of the District of Columbia Jazz Archives: Deliver To: DC