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Oxford University Press Books

* Unpack books and check against list (boxes and packaging paper can be recycled)

* Scan barcodes using Notepad; email the file to Tammy

*Update item records using either Alma or Grima:

            Alma (a large set of books)

            * Create a set using the Notepad file

* Add “At WRLC waiting to be processed” to Internal Note 1 and “Property of Washington Research Library Consortium” to provenance code at the same time using the change physical job

Grima (a small set of books)

* Add “At WRLC waiting to be processed” to internal note 1 using the Grima tool:


* Add “Property of Washington Research Library Consortium” to provenance code using the Grima tool:


Be sure to select “Property of Washington Research Library Consortium” every time you scan a book.  It still defaults to AU.  It will be fixed eventually.