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Create & Scan in new AU volumes in AU IZ

-Unpack the volumes; save the tissues and envelope with rubber bands in it then put them together in a box.  They will need to be sent back to AU

-Put a barcode (“American University Library”) on the back page of each volume at the bottom

-Login in AU IZ with the WRLCadmin username

-Get the ISSN from the volume and write it down on the bottom right of the slip that came with the volume then enter the ISSN in Alma:


-If ISSN is not found, type the journal title:


-Find the appropriate record then click on “Holdings”

-Find the holdings that says “Shared Collections Facility-General” location and click on “View Items” in the box on the right

-Click on “Add Item”

-Fields to fill

  • Material type: Issue
  • Item policy: Periodical
  • Barcode: Scan item barcode (be sure it has NO “X” at the end)

            Search by item barcode then go to the “ENUM/CHRON” tab to fill out more fields:

  • Enumeration A: enter volume number without “v.”
  • Enumeration C: enter the issue #
  • Enumeration D: enter a message such as supplement, index, incomplete, page #, etc.
  • Chronology I: enter the year
  • Chronology J: enter the month
  • Chronology K: enter the day

-Click on “Save” then double check the description field

-When finished creating items, scan them in to place the items in transit so they can be added to the SCF IZ the next day.


Item Record Description Policies, Templates and Examples

Enumeration A: volume, band, tome number (do not type ‘v.’)

Enumeration B: number, heft (on the spine it would show as ‘no.’, ‘nos’, etc.; do not type letters)

Enumeration C: issue number 

Enumeration D: supplement, index, incomplete, page # or other message

Chronology I: year

Chronology J: month or season

Chronology K: day