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Configuration of CDI Settings for Shared Electronic Collections


  • Full-text activation in Alma consists of two parts : link resolver/link in record for full-text access, and search in CDI (flagged as full-text available)

    • All full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is

    • You can have search in CDI without full-text links, but you cannot have full-text links without search in CDI unless you suppress it from being flagged as available in CDI

    • If a collection is activated for a specific group of IZs, then CDI search is automatically active as well, even if the settings for CDI search activation status are set to No or None

  • Full-text suppress means the full-text links (either linkresolver or link-in-record) are activated, but search in CDI is not active, because the resource is suppressed from being flagged as available in CDI.

    • Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma is the full-text suppress setting

    • Can be used only if set on the same level (i.e. for the same groups) as the full-text activation

    • This setting is recommended for e-books in order to cut down on duplicate e-book records

  • It is recommended to set the We subscribe to only some titles in this collection to Yes for collections with Linkresolver full-text linking; this reduces errors in CDI linking

  • CDI-only full text activation appears when Available for CDI search is set to Yes and the full-text linking is Link in Record. For use when your collection is inactive in Alma, you have the option to mark it as "Available Online" only in CDI. (


Single Activation with the Fully Flexible Setting

Single Activation with the Fully Flexible Setting - Consortia

CDI - Setting CDI Attributes (ODIN)

Current WRLC NZ settings

Collections with Book or Journal linking level and Linkresolver
  • CDI Tab : for each IZ listed in the Group Settings tab for this particular collection, the settings should be as follows

    • CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)

    • We subscribe to only some titles in this collection = Yes

    • Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Check for Yes

Collections with Book or Journal and Link in record
  • CDI Tab : for each IZ listed in the Group Settings tab for this particular collection, the settings should be as follows

    • CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)

    • CDI-only full text activation = Do not check

    • We subscribe to only some titles in this collection = No

    • Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Check for Yes

Collections with Article or Issue linking level and Linkresolver
  • CDI Tab : for each IZ listed in the Group Settings tab for this particular collection, the settings should be as follows

    • CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)

    • We subscribe to only some titles in this collection = Yes

    • Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Do not check

Collections with Article or Issue linking level and Link in record
  • CDI Tab : for each IZ listed in the Group Settings tab for this particular collection, the settings should be as follows

    • CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)

    • CDI-only full text activation = Do not check

    • We subscribe to only some titles in this collection = No

    • Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Do not check

Database Collections with Link in Record
  • CDI Tab : for each IZ listed in the Group Settings tab for this particular collection, the settings should be as follows

    • CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)

    • CDI-only full text activation = Do not check

    • Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Do not check