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Configuration of CDI Settings for Shared Electronic Collections

CDI settings for electronic collections in the Network Zone are individually configured for each Institution Zone that has access to a specific collection. 

CDI Inheritance Parameter

In order for each IZ to inherit the configured CDI settings for NZ shared e-collections, the cdi_consortia_inheritance parameter must be set to Y (for Yes) in the Configuration > Resources > General > Other Settings page.


Notes on CDI

  • Full-text activation in Alma consists of two parts : link resolver/link in record for full-text access, and search in CDI (flagged as full-text available)
  • All full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is
  • You can have search in CDI without full-text links, but you cannot have full-text links without search in CDI unless you suppress it from being flagged as available in CDI
  • If a collection is activated for a specific group of IZs, then CDI search is automatically active as well, even if the settings for CDI search activation status are set to No or None
  • Full-text suppress means the full-text links (either linkresolver or link-in-record) are activated, but search in CDI is not active, because the resource is suppressed from being flagged as available in CDI.
  • Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma is the full-text suppress setting
  • Can be used only if set on the same level (i.e. for the same groups) as the full-text activation
  • This setting is recommended for e-books in order to cut down on duplicate e-book records
  • It is recommended to set the We subscribe to only some titles in this collection to Yes for collections with Linkresolver full-text linking; this reduces errors in CDI linking
  • CDI-only full text activation appears when Available for CDI search is set to Yes and the full-text linking is Link in Record. For use when your collection is inactive in Alma, you have the option to mark it as "Available Online" only in CDI. (


  1. Single Activation with the Fully Flexible Setting
  2. Single Activation with the Fully Flexible Setting - Consortia
  3. CDI - Setting CDI Attributes (ODIN)

Current WRLC NZ settings

Collections with Book or Journal linking level and Linkresolver

CDI Tab : for each IZ listed in the Group Settings tab for this particular collection, the settings should be as follows

  1. CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)
  2. We subscribe to only some titles in this collection = Yes
  3. Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Check for Yes

Collections with Book or Journal and Link in record
  1. CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)
  2. CDI-only full text activation = Do not check
  3. We subscribe to only some titles in this collection = No
  4. Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Check for Yes

Collections with Article or Issue linking level and Linkresolver
  1. CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)
  2. We subscribe to only some titles in this collection = Yes
  3. Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Do not check

Collections with Article or Issue linking level and Link in record
  1. CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)
  2. CDI-only full text activation = Do not check
  3. We subscribe to only some titles in this collection = No
  4. Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Do not check

Database Collections with Link in Record
  1. CDI Search Activation Status = Active (this setting actually doesn't matter because all full text collections that are active in Alma will be searchable by default, regardless of what their search activation status is)
  2. CDI-only full text activation = Do not check
  3. Do not show as full-text available in CDI even if active in Alma = Do not check