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44 total results found

Delivery locations with Codes

SCF Physical Item Requests Physical Item Delivery

Partners with Library Names, Pull Slip Codes and Courier Slip Code Institution Name (IZ) Library name Location Code (Pull Slip) Courier Slip Code American University American University Library AU AU AU, Washington College of Law Library...

Physical item request that originated as "RESOURCE SHARING PHYSICAL SHIPMENT" requests

SCF Physical Item Requests Physical Item Processing

Resource Sharing Physical Shipment Item Requests through Alma The SCF has started to fill a new type of request.  Initially, these requests will assist some of our partners (AU, GW, MU) fill “Resource Sharing” requests from libraries outside of our consortium...

Physical item request that originated as an ILLiad physical item request

SCF Physical Item Requests Physical Item Processing

ILLIad Physical Item Requests through Alma   The SCF will start to transition to filling ILLiad physical item requests through Alma.  Currently these requests are made via email.  These new requests can be identified as ILLiad requests using the pull slip.  ...

Physical item request that originated as a "MOVE TO TEMPORARY" request

SCF Physical Item Requests Physical Item Processing

Faculty Due Dates

AFN/CLS related tasks Faculty Due Date Maintenance

Each IZ that participates in consortial lending needs to maintain the fixed due date on their calendars for patrons in "wrlc user" user group with the "WRLC Faculty" job category.  This is done 3 time a year so that Faculty can have loans that last the semeste...

Procedure: Update the Faculty Due Date

AFN/CLS related tasks Faculty Due Date Maintenance

The following procedure assumes that the "End of Term WRLC Faculty" date is configured at and inherited from the Institution's Calendar.  All Libraries under the IZ that have this date on their calendar will be updated by the procedure below. If you do not ha...

1. Configure Borrowing and Lending workflows

Network Zone Configuration of the CLS/AFN NZ Configuration

       Configuration ➜ Fulfillment ➜ Resource Sharing ➜ Workflow Profiles Note:  Later as part of the configuration for Resource Sharing with SUNY 2 additional profiles were added.  TBD - SUNY, Other cofigurations.

2. Create locate profiles

Network Zone Configuration of the CLS/AFN NZ Configuration

        Configuration ➜ Fulfillment ➜ Resource Sharing ➜ Locate Profiles Type is "Fulfillment Network"

Does not exist in SCF

SCF Physical Item Requests Remote Stg App RequestHandler Errors

Barcode                       | Institution              | Message--------------------+----------------+--------------------32884000767490      | 01WRLC_GUNIV   | Create Request Failed. Barcode: 32884000767490X Does not exist in SCF--------------------+-------...

Faculty Due Date Maintanance

Fulfillment CLS/AFN

Each IZ that participates in consortial lending needs to maintain the fixed due date on their calendars for patrons in "wrlc user" user group with the "WRLC Faculty" job category.  This is done 3 time a year so that Faculty can have loans that last the semeste...

Alma Physical Item Request Addon

Fulfillment Addons

SCF request processing is transitioning from using emails for items to be sent to fill an ILLiad request for our partners to requests generated in Alma by the Alma_Physical_Addon. This new request path provides for more accountability and documentation. It wil...

Alma Digitization Request Addon

Fulfillment Addons

RSAC decided that all digitization request be made though ILLiad. To facilitate requests for material held at the SCF, the Alma digitization addon for ILLiad was created. This Addon takes an ILLiad digitiation request and creates an Alma digitization request t...

Delivery locations with Codes

Fulfillment Libraries and Location codes

Maps and courier routes

Fulfillment Libraries and Location codes


Addons ILLiad Digitization request in Alma

The source code and installation instructions can be found on github here:  Alma_Digitization_Addon.


Addons ILLiad Physical item request in Alma

The source code and installation instructions can be found on github here:  Alma_Physical_Addon. Set up, Installation and Configuration User/Account Set Up: You will need to identify or create an ILL user in your Alma instance that will be the requesting pa...

ILL Staff Addon Instructions for Physical Item Requests

Addons ILLiad Physical item request in Alma

ILL Staff Addon Instructions 1. Once a request has been received in ILLiad for a physical item that is located at the SCF you will need certain item information.  You will need to get the item’s “Item ID” and “MMS ID”.  This can be accomplished using an Alma ...

Consortial Partners in CLS/AFN

Fulfillment CLS/AFN

Lending and Borrowing Partners These partners are configured in the ROTA for the "Consortium Book Borrowing" American University - 01WRLC_AMU Catholic University of America - 01WRLC_CAA Gallaudet University -  01WRLC_GAL George Mason University - 01WRLC...

3. Create Partners

Network Zone Configuration of the CLS/AFN NZ Configuration

        Alma ➜ Fulfillment ➜ Resource Sharing ➜ Partners

Pull Slip (Ful Resource Request Slip Letter)

SCF Physical Item Requests Letters managed in the NZ for Physical ...

The Pull Slip is managed for our partners to provide consistency for the displayed location codes.  These codes are use to direct the physical items to the patron's selected pickup location. Notes:  The SCF's Pull Slip has further modifications to allow th...