Accessioning new items to SCF
Publishing Workflow
Now that we have new architecture in which the owning IZ’s item record is used for fulfillment, there are new procedures for preparing items to be sent to the SCF for accessions. Prior to taking any of the steps below, please contact the SCF Supervisor to arrange transport and ensure there is space in the processing areas. Creation of the SCF version of the record will be done automatically by a special script created by Ex Libris. To trigger the script, you will need to do the following:
Identify item(s) in the owning IZ that you would like to send to the SCF via weeding or other selection process.
Edit the items and give them a temporary location with the type “Remote Storage”. You should be familiar with this list and it includes location codes like “wrlc stor” and “wrlc stnc”. For the full list or if you aren’t certain, you can check the physical locations list as shown below.
Editing the locations can be done to individual records during the weeding/selection process as shown below or as part of a batch change physical items job on a list of barcodes.
Scan in the item(s) barcode – this causes the item to be put in transit or in process so that the item does not appear as available while in transit to SCF and being processed by SCF staff.
Notify the Director of Library and User Services at WRLC and we will run the “SCF publishing profile“ publishing profile job for your owning IZ. Note: do not edit the publishing profile in any way. This publishing profile uses a logical set of all items with a remote storage location. By running this job we will publish any new additions to this set and your items will automatically have an identical item record created in the SCF IZ.