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Find request_job_id

Use the IZ’s apikey (permissions: read/write Bibs, read Users) found in the IZ’s Developer Network account under “My APIs”

URL:                                                                                    + apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                + &type=REMOTE_STORAGE dd61599bea484b8d8b7d84a722da788e&type=REMOTE_STORAGE

Intermediate Result:

<integration_profiles total_record_count="1">
<integration_profile link=" les/10385500680004107">

<name>Shared Collections Facility</name>
<type desc="Remote Storage">REMOTE_STORAGE</type>
<system desc="XML">XML</system>
<ftp_connection desc="NZ-managed SFTP site for the Alma Remote Storage App">SFTP for SCF App</ftp_connection>
<description>IMPORTANT: Do not edit this profile without communicating with WRLC Central staff. If you save edits it will change the ID of the job to export requests that the Remote Storage App looks for in the Job Finish Webhook.</description>

<action desc="" active="false">SWISSLOG_SYNQ</action> <name desc="">url</name>

</parameter> <parameter>

<action desc="" active="false">SWISSLOG_SYNQ</action>

<name desc="">owner</name> </parameter>


</parameters> <contact_info> <addresses/>


<emails/> </contact_info>

</integration_profile> </integration_profiles>

The <id>10385500680004107</id> element is the profile_id used to get request_job_id.

URL: + apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ profile_id=0000000000000000 4b8d8b7d84a722da788e&profile_id=10385500680004107


<jobs total_record_count="2"> <job

link=" 004107">

<name>Inventory Remote Storage Update - Shared Collections Facility</name> <description>Inventory Remote Storage Update - Shared Collections Facility</description>
<type desc="Scheduled">SCHEDULED</type>
<category desc="Repository">REPOSITORY</category>
<creator>WRLCadmin</creator> <related_profile>10385500680004107</related_profile>

<job link=" 004107">

<name>Send Requests to Remote Storage</name>
<description>Remote Storage - Export Requests</description>
<type desc="Scheduled">SCHEDULED</type>
<category desc="Fulfillment">FULFILLMENT</category>
<schedule desc="Every 12 hours, starting at 24:00">EVERY_12_HOUR</schedule> <creator>WRLCadmin</creator>
<next_run>2024-09-04T15:00:00Z</next_run> <related_profile>10385500680004107</related_profile>

</job> </jobs>

The <id>S15670290630004107</id> element has the value of the request_job_id. This value is put into the conf.json file used by the SCFapp.

Note: If a change is made/saved to the Integration profile, the request_job_id will be changed. In this event, the new profile id and request_job_id will need to be found.