Remote Storage Location Configuration
Configuring a Physical Location as a Remote Storage Location
This configuration enables requests for items in the location to be exported to the Remote Storage Application. These instructions assume you are creating a new location, but they can be used to configure an existing location as well.
Prerequisites should already be configured in your IZ.
An integration profile of “remote storage” type that is connected to the S/FTP site for the remote storage app.
A Remote Storage Facility at the IZ level connected to the remote storage integration profile.
A circulation desk representing the WRLC SCF storage where items are reshelved.
Creating/Editing the Location
At the Library level, go to Alma Configuration > Fulfillment > Locations > Physical Locations and “+ Add Location”. Type should be “Remote Storage” and Remote Storage is “Shared Collections Facility”. Next, edit the location to add circulations desks using the “Attach Existing Circulation Desk” menu. Attach two desks: One is the circ desk that your operators who process items at this location are assigned to; it should not have the option to reshelve items in the remote storage locations. The other is the “WRLC SCF Storage” desk; it does have “Reshelve” checked.
Integration with the SCF Remote Storage App
In order for the Remote Storage App to recognize this location, it must be added to the app’s configuration file, so let WRLC know what the location’s code is.
If you want to publish new items added to this new location to accession them into the SCF, the location must be added to the logical set that is used by the Publishing Profile we set up for accessioning. Please coordinate this also with WRLC so we can be sure that it is done without causing the publishing job ID to change or to have existing items in the SCF re-published.
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