WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Record Policies
Please direct any questions or comments about these policies to the WRLC Metadata Committee: metadata@list.wrlc.org
The WRLC Metadata Committee was tasked to provide policies regarding a shared catalog in Alma integrated library system. Below shows the consortial topography for cataloging related functions in the Alma shared catalog environment. These policies have been revisited since going live in Alma.
The following policies govern mainly the bibliographic records in the shared catalog environment
(Network Zone (NZ)). Some of the policies will also have impacts on bibliographic and authority records in the Community and/or Institution Zone (CZ and IZ respectively) when applicable. These policies reflect the WRLC Principles for Working in the Alma Network Zone upon which WRLC member libraries have committed to adhere.
The WRLC Metadata Committee develops bibliographic principles, policies, and procedures to facilitate implementation of a shared library system. These provide a fundamental framework for the WRLC member libraries, as the creators, editors, maintainers, and users of this metadata, upon which we will operate.
Last revised: May 29, 2020
Policy Statements.
Authority control jobs in Alma
Policy status: Finalized
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee
Policy Statement: Quality authority control facilitates access to information. Authority control is performed in the WRLC Network Zone via the Alma Link BIB Heading and the Preferred Term Correction jobs. The WRLC Consortial Network Zone Manager regularly reviews the results of the authority control jobs. Any manual changes needed for authority control will be announced by the NZ Manager in the Metadata Basecamp.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: July 29, 2022
Bibliographic, holdings, and item data cleanup
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee
Policy Statement: If resources permit, institutions should make an effort to address known data
problems. Significant changes to records, such as main entry or unnoticed title changes for serials, can be corrected after consultation with member libraries that have holdings attached via the message board of the WRLC Metadata Basecamp: https://3.basecamp.com/3574750/projects/10052002
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: March 29, 2019
Bibliographic Utilities
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Policy Statement: OCLC is the common bibliographic utility for WRLC member libraries. The OCLC record number provides a single match point that simplifies loading, maintenance and other technical service operations in the Alma shared catalog environment. Below lists some types of bibliographic records that are not required to contain an OCLC record number or to have holdings set in WorldCat; these records should not be in the NZ:
• Brief records for equipment, inventory, ordering, or ILL purposes
• Personal copies for course reserves
• Shipping list records for GovDoc, Marcive
• Host bibliographic records for Bound-withs
• Suppressed bibliographic records
• Vendor records other than OCLC
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: October 26, 2018
Policy status: Not finalized. Pending ExLibris Enhancement.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Original Source: Ex Libris : Presentations and Documents Cal State: Bound-withs
Policy Statement: In Alma, each bound-with has a host bibliographic record in the IZ linked to
bibliographic records in the IZ and NZ for each title in the bound-with. It is recommended that the host bib record should be suppressed. Libraries may create collection-level records for bound-withs in OCLC with individual items in a contents note if required, then import the record into the NZ. Such records should not be linked to IZ/NZ records for individual titles in the bound-withs. Certain catalogers are working to develop the best way to handle bound-withs in Alma, so this policy statement may soon be revised.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: April 26, 2019
Copy-specific metadata
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee
Policy Statement: Copy-specific metadata can be added in Alma in the following ways:
a) In bibliographic records that are in the IZ and not linked to the NZ
b) In bibliographic records that are in the NZ and linked to the IZ
c) In IZ holdings or item records.
Copy-specific metadata should only be added to NZ bibliographic records if it would be of interest to library users outside of the institution. If copy-specific metadata is added to bibliographic records in the NZ, it must be in the appropriate fields and it must be clear which institution the metadata applies to. Please see the Formatting Copy-Specific Metadata page for more information on and examples of how to correctly format copy-specific metadata.
Functional ability: Alma
Last revised: April 28, 2020
Creating and managing local unique data
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management, Acquisitions
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Special Collections Interest Group
Original Source: Introduction to Local Bibliographic Extensions
Local Extension Definition
Local field migration mapping
Cal State: Local Fields
Orbis Cascade: Local Fields
In general, data that applies only to a member library should be put into reserved Alma local MARC fields (e.g. 590, 9xx). The majority of these fields are defined by the entire consortium to contain similar data; some fields may be reserved for local optional use.
Some libraries may wish to make copy-specific information visible to the whole consortium in non-local notes or in other indexed fields, especially for rare materials. Libraries that choose to do this must make it clear to which library the copy-specific metadata applies. Please see the policy: Copy-Specific Metadata.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
WRLC Libraries Rationale: To protect local data from accidental deletion or overlay by another
institution, Alma provides the functionality for each institution to secure, manage, and display their local data through defined fields. Prior to migration, local legacy data for the WRLC institutions was mapped to the fields defined in WRLC Metadata Committee’s Final Mapping for Migration document.
Last revised: November 22, 2019
Deletion of NZ bibliographic records
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee
Policy Statement: When deleting Network Zone bibliographic records, you must first unlink the record from the NZ. This will create two copies of the record; one in the NZ and one in the IZ only. The IZ-only copy of the record can then be deleted by cataloging staff.
Send a list of Network IDs for the remaining NZ bibliographic records to servicedesk@wrlc.org. The Consortial Network Zone Manager will delete the records that remain in the Network Zone, as long as there are no holdings or bound-withs attached.
This workflow is in place to prevent the accidental deletion of a bound-with bibliographic record from the Network Zone; Alma does not prevent a bound-with bib from being deleted.
Functional ability: Alma
Last revised: November 17, 2023
Descriptive cataloging standards
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Policy Statement: Records in the NZ should be cataloged according to an established standard such as RDA, dcrm(b), dacs, etc. In general, records should be updated appropriately in OCLC before import. Records may be accepted into the NZ if they are cataloged according to earlier cataloging standards (e.g. AACR2).
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: October 26, 2018
Duplicate NZ records
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Policy Statement: In general, there should be only one NZ record for each manifestation of a given work. Duplicate bib. records should be identified and resolved as time and resources allow. There may be exceptions for rare or special materials. Questions about possible duplicate bib. records should be posted to the message board of the WRLC Metadata Basecamp: https://3.basecamp.com/3574750/projects/10052002
Alma Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: November 22, 2019
Editing or making changes to NZ records
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee
Policy Statement: Please see the Principles for Working in WRLC’s Alma Network Zone, the Making Changes to WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Records, and the Fields That can be Deleted in the Network Zone Without Consultation documents. Any questions about editing or changing Network Zone bib. records should be posted to the message board of the WRLC Metadata Basecamp: https://3.basecamp.com/3574750/projects/10052002
Alma Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: March 29, 2019
Identifier in $0 and/or $1
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Original Source: PCC URI FAQs (Feb 2018)
Policy Statement: When adding an identifier to an entity, it is recommended that the identifier be
recorded in $0 (authority data) and/or $1 (real world object) when available.
The preference is to record an HTTP URI over a text string URI.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: October 26, 2018
Language of cataloging
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Policy Statement: English is the language of cataloging at WRLC. Records with a cataloging language other than English are discouraged from being in the Network Zone; legacy records cataloged in a foreign language should be corrected as time and resources allow.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: May 31, 2019
Local WRLC Subject Headings
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Reparative Cataloging Subgroup
Policy Statement: Local subject headings can be suggested by consortial staff; a Google form must be filled out. Once the form is submitted, the Reparative Cataloging Subgroup and the Metadata Committee follow a specific workflow to either approve or reject the subject heading. The local subject heading can either be a supplemental term or can replace a Library of Congress subject heading, as decided by the Reparative Cataloging Subgroup
Supplemental headings are added to NZ bibliographic records based on the existence of specific Library of Congress subject headings in the original record. They are added via a normalization rule that runs automatically when a NZ record is saved in the Alma Metadata Editor. The normalization rule can be found in the Metadata Editor under Rules > Normalization > Shared > WRLC transform 650 to 650 subf 2 local subf 5 CAO. This rule can be used in Institution Zone configurations if a specific institution would like to add local WRLC headings to their own IZ records.
The supplemental headings are coded in the MARC record with a second indicator of 7, a subfield 2 with a value of local, and a subfield 5 with a value of CAO (the OCLC code for WRLC). If the original LCSH contains subdivisions, the subdivisions will be added to the local heading.
The full list of local headings can be found here : Replacement and Supplemental Heading Tracking
Functional Ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: July 28, 2023
MARC 588 field
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee
Policy Statement: For bibliographic records in the NZ, the MARC 588 can have either first indicators 0/1 or free text such as “Description based on” and “Latest issue consulted.” There is a Primo VE normalization rule that makes display of the 588 with indicators intelligible.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: October 30, 2020
Minimal level records
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Original Source: Cal State: Floor Bibliographic Standards
Orbis Cascade: Floor Bibliographic Standards
Policy Statement: Minimal level records are discouraged from being in the Network Zone. Member libraries are expected to meet quality requirements as agreed upon. Consult the Making Changes to WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Records page to edit and review minimum level to core or full level records. Minimal or less-than-full records are allowed when the library lacks the necessary expertise, such as in language or format, to create or upgrade to core or full level records.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: May 29, 2020
Non-English subject headings
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Policy Statement: Access points should be in English and in Roman characters. Non-English and non-Latin scripts access points may be accepted into the NZ if present in the OCLC master record.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: October 26, 2018
Non-Latin (vernacular) scripts
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Policy Statement: Alma accepts and indexes non-Latin scripts (coded in UTF-8). Parallel descriptions in Roman and non-Latin scripts are accepted for bibliographic records. If vernacular data are not present in OCLC master, member libraries may choose to enhance the record with vernacular scripts in OCLC.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: October 26, 2018
Provider-neutral records
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Original Source: PCC Provider-Neutral guidelines
Policy Statement: Provider-Neutral records are for electronic resources, print on demand
reproductions, and photocopies of textual materials. They are intended to eliminate a proliferation of records describing essentially the same content. Member libraries will adhere to the PN records for the NZ and follow the PCC’s practices and the LC-PCC PS for RDA 1.11. These do not apply to Community Zone records.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: October 26, 2018
Rare Book Cataloging
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: Special Collections Interest Group, WRLC Metadata Committee
Policy Statement:
Rare books, special collections, archival, or manuscript resources may be cataloged according to different national/international standards. Examples include: one of the Descriptive Cataloging for Rare Materials (DCRM) manuals, Resource Description & Access (RDA), and Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS). Records may be accepted into the NZ if they are cataloged according to earlier cataloging standards (e.g. AACR2). These resources sometimes warrant what appear to be duplicate bibliographic records in both the NZ and IZ, and this is left to cataloger’s judgement. When in doubt about anything in bibliographic records for these kinds of resources, ask the applicable institution(s). For guidance on copy-specific metadata (former owners, binding, etc.) please see the policy: Copy-Specific Metadata.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: July 26, 2019
Record encoding
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Policy Statement: Character set in MARC records is to be set in unicode, UTF-8 level. Record
encoding level in NZ must be full or core level.
Functional ability: Alma,
Last revised: October 26, 2018
Record load profile
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee
Policy Statement: Record load profiles should generally only import to the Institution Zone; the Use Network Zone setting for each institution’s import profile should be set to No.
Import profiles can match to the Network Zone, but if a matching record is found the NZ record must be used (only local fields may be added), and if a matching record is not found the incoming record must be imported to the IZ only. To use this method, the following settings should be used: Use Network Zone: “Yes”, Upon Match: “Merge”, Merge method: “CONSORTIUM NZ AddLocalFields”, Upon No Match: “Import to IZ.”
Functional ability: Alma
Last revised: February 25, 2022
Records overlay
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Policy Statement: Do not use Alma’s Copy & Overlay feature, instead use Copy & Merge in the Metadata Editor. Use the merge rule created by WRLC: “Consortium IZ overlay all fields by local.” If merging two bib. records would result in changes that require consultation in the two documents listed below, post a message to the message board of the WRLC Metadata Basecamp: https://3.basecamp.com/3574750/projects/10052002
listing the institutions who have holdings in the subject line.
Please see:
Fields That can be Deleted in the WRLC Network Zone Without Consultation
Making Changes to WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Records
Functional ability: Alma
Last revised: December 13, 2019
Serials in print
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Original Source: CSR guidelines (Sep 2017)
Policy Statement: The institutional coverage of serials should be described in the holdings record or in local fields in the bibliographic record.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: May 31, 2019
Single versus separate records
Policy status: Finalized.
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Policy Statement: One record per format in the Alma repository. For legacy data, e.g. GovDoc materials, member libraries will make a concerted effort to resolve mul-ver records issue.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: October 26, 2018
Suppression of NZ bibliographic records for withdrawals
Policy status: Not finalized. Pending revision of the WRLC SCS Project Final Report
Functional Areas: Resource Management
Responsible Body: WRLC Metadata Committee, Coordinated Collections Committee
Original Source: Orbis Cascade: Suppression for physical inventory
Cal State: Withdrawals
Cal State: Suppression of Records
WRLC SCS Project Final Report (on withdrawals)
Policy Statement: When WRLC used Voyager and Sierra as their ILS, it was policy for the schools participating in the WRLC Sustainable Collection Services (SCS) Project to suppress bibliographic and holdings records for items that were discarded in favor of a retention copy elsewhere.
Since WRLC’s migration to Alma, we now have the ability to view deleted record information in Alma Analytics; this policy is therefore no longer necessary.
The policy status will remain not finalized until the WRLC has revised the original SCS Project Final Report. That being said, bibliographic and holdings records can be deleted from Alma when an item is discarded for a retention copy elsewhere; the records no longer have to be suppressed.
Functional ability: Alma, Primo
Last revised: November 17, 2023