Principles for Working in WRLC’s Alma Network Zone
Last revised: March 29, 2019
Please direct any questions or comments about these principles to the WRLC Metadata Committee:
Do no harm. Please see the WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Record Policies, the Making Changes to WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Records, and the Fields That can be Deleted in the Network Zone Without Consultation documents.
When in doubt: ask. Any questions about editing or changing Network Zone (NZ) bib. records should be posted to the message board of the WRLC Metadata Basecamp:
Most bibliographic records for non-electronic resources that have OCLC numbers and that have been cataloged should reside in the Network Zone with a linked record in each holding library’s Institution Zone (IZ). Exceptions are allowed for rare resources, special collections, and any other records an institution wishes to manage locally.
In general, add information applicable to the work/expression/manifestation to the record in the NZ, not your local IZ (e.g., tables of contents; summaries; added entries for editors; additional subject or genre headings; etc.)
Be careful when editing specialized records (CONSER, pcc, dcrm(b)). For CONSER and PCC, add information, but do not change anything in the record unless you are certain there is an error. For records that are for something that is likely in an institution’s special/rare/archival collections, please see the Making Changes to WRLC Network Zone Bibliographic Records document.