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Bibliographic Record Deletion - Related Records

Alma allows the ability to prevent the deletion of related records in the Network Zone. In the Bibliographic Record Deletion - Related Records page of Alma Configuration (which can be found under Configuration > Resources > Collection Retention), you can specify which types of related records will result in a warning or a block if staff try to delete them.

In the WRLC Network Zone, only the following relation types are enabled as a Block; this means that any records with a Contains (774 field) relationship or a Part Of (773 field) relationship with another record will NOT be deleted by Alma. For more information, see the Related Record Types section in the Alma Knowledge Base.



This prevents the accidental deletion of boundwith records in the catalog that use the 773 or 774 fields for linking. For more information on creating boundwiths in Alma, see the Configuring Related Records for Physical Inventory in the Alma Knowledge Base.