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Open Access Community Zone Collections in the NZ

A number of Open Access (OA) Community Zone (CZ) collections are activated and managed in the WRLC Network Zone (NZ). 

The decision to manage the most popular OA CZ collections in the NZ was agreed upon by the E-Resources Committee, the Coordinated Collections Committee, and the Alma/Primo Advisory Committee in the 2021-2022 school year. This was done to ease the burden of maintenance for the individual schools. Like all e-collections in the Network Zone, access to the collection is distributed to members who want the collection to appear in their institution's Primo VE.

For a current list of OA CZ collections , please see the Shared Electronic Collections page (the value in the Access Type column equals Open Access). 

Collections that are activated by 5 or more institution and that have an overall Brief Level over 6 are reviewed and added to the NZ once a year. For a full workflow on how new collections are approved, please see the Shared Open Access E-Resource Collections Workflow page.