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Network Zone Configuration

Below are the current configuration settings in the WRL Network Zone that are either pushed down to all Institution Zones, or that affect Network Zone linked bibliographic records.  





Parameter Value Notes
Resources Cataloging > Metadata Configuration > MARC21 Bibliographic Profile Extensions

Field 081

Field 590

Field 012

Field 019

Field 029

Field 891

The fields listed in the Value column are ones that have been added or edited in the WRLC NZ; these are applied to NZ-linked records in the Metadata Editor. For more information, see the Metadata Editor Warnings page.
Resources General > Other Settings avid_fuzzy_search_resolvingtrueWhen set to true, enables the institution to indicate to Alma to avoid "Fuzzy matches" ("title only" matches) attempts if other information (like identifiers or author) exists in the URL.
ResourcesGeneral > Other Settingscdi_consortia)inheritanceN

When set to N, no inheritance will occur for CDI search activations and full text activations of database type of collections from the network zone.

All member institutions that are part of the consortium inherit full text activations for collections with portfolios from the Network Zone. It is not possible to not inherit Network Zone activations for these types of collections.

ResourcesGeneral > Other Settingsnon_serial_match_profile com.exlibris.repository.mms.match.CDLMatchingProfile Value must be the same in both the NZ and the IZ. For more information, see Match Profile in the Metadata Editor page.
Resources General > Other Settings serial_match_profile com.exlibris.repository.mms.match.CDLSeMatchingProfile Value must be the same in both the NZ and the IZ. For more information, see the Match Profile in the Metadata Editor page.
ResourcesGeneral > Other Settingsdelete_nz_bib_records_with_relations_new_behaviortrueThis value allows for cross-consortial checks for related records when the record is being deleted. For more information, see the Bibliographic Record Deletion - Related Records page.
ResourcesGeneral > Other Settingsignore_cz_recordstrueIf this parameter is set to true, Alma matches incoming records with any record that exists in the catalog and ignores bibliographic records that are linked to the Community Zone.
ResourcesGeneral > Other Settingsnetwork_description_templates_rules_precedencetrueFor more information, see the Item Description Templates page.
ResourcesGeneral > Other Settingsshare_item_usage_across_networktrueWhen set to True in the Network Zone, then upon network search results, item usage data is shared for all network's members in the Physical Usage tab. 
ResourcesGeneral > Other Settingsshow_version_cataloger_name_for_other_memberstrueWhen set to True in the Network Zone, the name of the cataloger will appear in the Metadata Editor when viewing previous versions of a record. 
Resources General > Description Templates Network Rules List For a full list of all WRLC description templates, see the Item Record Description Policies and Templates page For more information, see the Item Description Templates page.
Resources General > Authority Control Rules Link BIB Headings tab For a full list of all rules configured in the WRLC NZ, see the Authority Control page.
Resources General > Authority Control Rules Preferred Term Correction tab For a full list of all rules configured in the WRLC NZ, see the Authority Control page.  
Discovery Search Configuration > Secondary Resource Type
For a full list of all secondary resource types configured in the WRLC NZ, see the Secondary Resource Types page. These settings are applied to NZ-linked bibliographic records.
Discovery Display Configuration > Resource Types Configuration
For a full list of all custom resource types configured in the WRLC NZ, see the Resource Types Configuration page. These settings are applied to NZ-linked bibliographic records.