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44 total results found

On Hold Shelf Letter

SCF Physical Item Requests Letters managed in the NZ for Physical ...

The On Hold Shelf Letter is managed in the Network Zone so that specific library instructions can be provided to the patron on when and how material can be picked up.  The original format of the letter only provided instructions from the owning library.  These...

Pull Slip (Ful Resource Request Slip Letter)

Network Zone Configuration of the CLS/AFN Letters managed in the NZ for Physical ...

The Pull Slip is managed for our partners to provide consistency for the displayed location codes.  These codes are use to direct the physical items to the patron's selected pickup location. Note:  The SCF's Pull Slip has further modifications to allow the le...

On Hold Shelf Letter

Network Zone Configuration of the CLS/AFN Letters managed in the NZ for Physical ...

The On Hold Shelf Letter is managed in the Network Zone so that specific library instructions can be provided to the patron on when and how material can be picked up.  This is due to the use of the "Owning LIbrary's" On Hold Shelf Letter in the Automated Fulfi...

Pull Slip (Ful Resource Request Slip Letter)

Fulfillment Letters managed in the NZ for Physical ...

The Pull Slip is managed for our partners to provide consistency for the displayed location codes.  These codes are use to direct the physical items to the patron's selected pickup location. Note:  The SCF's Pull Slip has further modifications to allow the le...

On Hold Shelf Letter

Fulfillment Letters managed in the NZ for Physical ...

The On Hold Shelf Letter is managed in the Network Zone so that specific library instructions can be provided to the patron on when and how material can be picked up.  This is due to the use of the "Owning LIbrary's" On Hold Shelf Letter in the Automated Fulfi...

Updating a patron's linked account.

Fulfillment wrlc user

Patron linked accounts can be updated in several ways. If a patron renews an item on loan from partner institution, the patron's expiry date will automatically be updated to match the expiry date at the home institution. If a patron requests a new item fro...

Update Rota Template Members

PSB - Network Zone Configuration after ...

After the refresh, the Rota Template has the full compliment of partners for Consortium Book Borrowing (CLS-Physical) template.  Members that do not have an IZ Sandbox need to be removed for the Rota to work properly.  Currently, the members should be AU, DC, ...

Update the Resource Sharing Partners for the PSB

PSB - Network Zone Configuration after ...

The Resource Sharing partners that are template members will need to have their URL parameter updated. Fulfillment  -->  Resource Sharing  -->  Partners   Find the partners that are in the updated Rota Template.  Select edit. Select the Parameters t...

Standard Opening Hours - impact on yours and partner's patron's due dates

AFN/CLS related tasks Standard Opening Hours Maintenance

A library's Standard Opening Hours along with other events in their calendar can affect item due dates and renewal dates.  It is good practice to review the Standard Opening Hours each semester when you may be adding specific events, exceptions or holidays. A...

Procedure: Update the Standard Opening Hours

AFN/CLS related tasks Standard Opening Hours Maintenance

The following procedure assumes that you have the role of Fulfillment Administrator (or General Administrator) and you have selected a valid Library from the top of the Configuration page. Go To:  Alma --> Configuration --> Fulfillment --> Library Management ...

Update sftp server directory for PSB use

PSB - Network Zone Configuration after ...

The Premium Sandbox uses the server to post files from the running of the "Send Request to Remote Storage" jobs.  It is also used for posting files from the running of the publishing jobs.  (This only needs to be done if there is a SCF IZ in the ...

Handle Server


The WRLC handle server prefix is 1961.  The prefix is renewed each year in January.   The contact for renewal is  (Most recently this was Christy Short.) The last renewal in January 2024 was $50.00. TESTING: Test URLs ht...

Update the Faculty Due Date

SCF maintenance

As with each IZ that participates in consortial lending needs to maintain the fixed due date on their calendars for patrons in "wrlc user" user group with the "WRLC Faculty" job category, so does the SCF IZ.  This is done 3 time a year so that Faculty can have...

Procedure: Update the Faculty Due Date

AFN/CLS related tasks Faculty Due Date Maintenance

The following procedure assumes that the "End of Term WRLC Faculty" date is configured at and inherited from the Institution's Calendar.  All Libraries under the IZ that have this date on their calendar will be updated by the procedure below. If you do not ha...

Bulk Due Date change for pseudo-patrons

SCF maintenance

Since there is no method to automatically renew items loaned to the scfapp pseudo-patrons, this must be done manually. This should be done once the "Faculty due date" has been updated in the SCF.  (This is done 3 times in a year.) Procedure to Update the ite...

Update SCF Job Finish Webhook profile

PSB - Network Zone Configuration after ...

The SCF Job Finish Webhook profile needs to be update with the Webhook listener URL and activated so that both publishing and requesting functions of the SCFapp work in the PSB. Configuration --> General --> External Systems --> Integration Profiles --> SCF J...

Location of conf.json

SCFapp cofiguration file

Production Application:  /opt/tomcat/webapps/AlmaRemoteStorageApp/WEB-INF/classes ls -l drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat tomcat  4096 May 14 14:59 com-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat tomcat 10592 Aug  8 14:13 conf.json-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root   10508 Aug  8 14:08 conf.json.GTtest   (...

conf.json example

SCFapp cofiguration file

Find request_job_id

SCFapp cofiguration file

Use the IZ’s apikey (permissions: read/write Bibs, read Users) found in the IZ’s Developer Network account under “My APIs” URL:                                                       ...

Find publishing_job_id

SCFapp cofiguration file